TypeScript Construct Signatures
TypeScript Construct Signatures defines the shape of a constructor function for creating instances of a class or object type. This signature specifies the parameters that the constructor function expects when using the new operator to create objects, as well as the type of object it constructs. You can write a construct signature by adding the new keyword in front of a call signature....
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How to make Flexbox items the same size using CSS ?
Flexbox items of equal size in CSS ensure a uniform and visually unified layout. By using Flexbox properties, we can distribute available space evenly among items, allowing different content sizes to flow seamlessly. We can achieve the same size of the flexbox items by using different ways including, Flex Property, width property, and calc() Property....
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TypeScript ReturnType <Type> Utility Type
In this article, we will learn about ReturnType<Type> Utility Type in Typescript. TypeScript is a popular programming language used for building scalable and robust applications. In TypeScript, the ReturnType<Type> utility type is used to extract the return type of a given function type or constructor type. It allows you to infer the type that a function will return based on its signature. This can be useful when you want to capture the return type of a function for later use or when you need to work with functions generically....
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How to create and write tests for API requests in Postman?
Postman is an API(utility programming interface) development device that enables to construct, take a look at and alter APIs. It could make numerous varieties of HTTP requests(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH), store environments for later use, and convert the API to code for various languages(like JavaScript, and Python). In this article, we will learn How to create and write checks for API requests in Postman?...
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How to Center the Content inside a Column in Bootstrap?
Centering content inside a Bootstrap column involves aligning text, images, etc., horizontally for improved visual presentation and readability. Use text-center for inline elements or mx-auto for block elements, and Use d-flex property to ensure proper alignment and visual appeal....
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JavaScript Program to Check if a Number is Float or Integer
In this article, we will see how to check whether a number is a float or an integer in JavaScript. A float is a number with a decimal point, while an integer is a whole number or a natural number without having a decimal point....
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How to Add Days to Date in JavaScript?
You will learn how to add days to a date in JavaScript. We’ll focus on adding days to the current date. There are two methods to achieve this with the Date object:...
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Create your own Lorem ipsum using HTML CSS and JavaScript
In this article, we are going to implement a Lorem Ipsum Generator Application through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Lorem Ipsum, a placeholder text commonly utilized in the printing and typesetting industry, serves to visually represent a document’s layout instead of relying on meaningful content....
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TypeScript Return Type Annotations
In this article, we are going to learn about the Return Type Annotations in Typescript. TypeScript is a popular programming language used for building scalable and robust applications. One of the features of Typescript is Return Type Annotations which helps to explicitly declare the type of value that a function is expected to return. Return type annotations are added to the function’s signature and come after the parameter list using a colon (:) followed by the desired return type....
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How to Create a New Line in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, a new line is typically represented by a specific escape sequence or character within a string. This is commonly used in various programming languages to control the formatting of text and create multiline strings. A new line can be made in JavaScript using the below-discussed methods....
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How to apply filters to *ngFor in Angular ?
In this article, we will see How to apply filters to *ngFor in AngularJS, along with understanding their basic implementation through the examples. NgFor is used as a Structural Directive that renders each element for the given collection each element can be displayed on the page. Implementing the filters to the ‘*ngFor’ directive conditionally helps to render the items or manipulate the collection of items in an iterative manner. To accomplish this task, we can implement the Pipes, which will take the array of items along with additional parameters for filtering...
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TypeScript Return type void
TypeScript, void represents the return value of functions that don’t return a value....
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